Maria Delivani
Aristotle University of Thessalloniki and Paris Sorbonne graduate (Doctorat d' Etat). Further studies at the London School of Economics, Berkeley University and at the European University Institute of Florence.
Professor and three times Dean of the University of Macedonia, Counselor to the Ministry of Management, to the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation, member of the International Scientific Board of Professional Orientation of the University of Marseille, Vice-president of the French Language Union of Economists, Director of CEMIDES in Greece, President of the "Dimitris and Maria Delivanis" institution.
She has been honoured with scholarships by the French Government, NATO and by the European University Institute of Florence, with four golden medals by the Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki, has been declared honorary citizen of the city of Komotini and has received the 1st prize by the Athens Academy.
Her published work in three languages, Greek, French, and English amounts to 36 manuscripts, monographs, studies and 380 articles and interviews.