He was born in Elenes Amariou of Rethymno. He studied in the Theological School of Athens University and concluded his studies in 1957. After successfully participating in the exams he received a scholarship from "Deutscher Akademischer Austhausch Dienst" (D.A.A.D.) and, thus, fulfilled his post-graduate studies at Bonn and Koln.
While studying "in parallel" Theology and Philosophy in the texts of fathers of the 6th and 7th centuries, he was led to the work of Leontius Byzantinus and Maximus the Confessor, influenced for the latter's work by Hans Urs von Balthasar "Kosmische Liturgie", (das Weltbild Maximus des Bekenners, Einsiedeln 1961²).
He has taught in Secondary Education Schools in Athens and in the Ecclesiastical School of Crete. In 1985 he was appointed Consultant to teachers of Theology and vice-principal of the School of Education for Secondary Education teachers.
He was president of the Cretan Association of Theologists (1989-1993) and was honoured by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew with the St. Paul of Crete Cross